'mens ministry' Tagged Posts (Page 2)

'mens ministry' Tagged Posts (Page 2)

How Christian Men Can Be Better Leaders in the Home

Christian men play a vital role in leading their families. As leaders in the home, they are called to love, protect, and provide for their families while also modeling a Christ-like character. The Bible offers numerous examples and instructions for how Christian men can be better leaders in the home. Below are some biblical verses and principles that can help men fulfill this important role. Love your wife as Christ loves the Church Ephesians 5:25 states, “Husbands, love your wives,…

How Christian Men Can Fight Porn and Resist Temptation

Pornography is a disastrous issue that affects men of all ages and backgrounds. It may or may not surprise you, but Christian men engage in viewing porn just as much as those who aren’t believers. It can be incredibly difficult to resist the temptation to engage in porn. In fact, you who are reading this blog post right now may be in a nasty habit that seems impossible to kick! Rest assured, you can, with God’s power and grace, you…

Three Things That Are Needed For Any Local Men’s Ministry

Christian men’s ministry is a critical aspect of the church’s mission to help men grow in their faith and become the spiritual leaders they were created to be for their families, the church, and for their communities. In today’s world, there are numerous challenges that Christian men face, and it’s essential to have a local group of guys that can equip them to overcome these obstacles and grow in their relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ. While the format, length,…

Why Christian Men Should Hold Each Other Accountable

“Brothers, if anyone is caught in any transgression, you who are spiritual should restore him in a spirit of gentleness. Keep watch on yourself, lest you too be tempted. Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ. For if anyone thinks he is something, when he is nothing, he deceives himself. But let each one test his own work, and then his reason to boast will be in himself alone and not in his neighbor. For each…

How a Christian Man Can Lead His Wife and Children Better

If you are a man and are a born-again follower of Jesus Christ, then it is an absolute must that you lead your wife and children well. Being a husband and father who takes up the mantle of leadership in the home is an enormous responsibility, not to mention a role that is fraught with numerous challenges. However, with God’s guidance through Scripture and the support of the Holy Spirit, you can fulfill this role with grace and love. Here are…

Christian Fireteams Guide – What Is It In Men’s Discipleship? Warrior Disciple Preview

The following is a preview guide for my upcoming men’s ministry book, Warrior Disciple. As it pertains to discipleship, it discusses what a fireteam is, how to form a fireteam, and how to conduct your fireteam meetings. Christian discipleship is the belief and act of following Jesus Christ with your whole life. Since we as disciples are commanded to create other disciples (Matthew 28:19-20), making sure that our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ are learning, growing, and feeling supported…

Warrior Disciple Book Update

Here’s a brief update on my forthcoming men’s ministry book, Warrior Disciple. I’ve spent much time in prayer, consultation with several other Christian author friends, deliberation, and consideration, all in trying to figure out how to get published within a reasonable amount of time and to be able to maintain enough creative control to be able to get the product that men’s ministries need. I was faced with three major avenues of publishing. One, I could strive to get a…

Men, Here’s How to Never Lose Your Wife Or Your Girlfriend

Christian men, I have to be blunt here. When it comes to most of us and the opposite sex, our approach is downright deplorable. More than ever, we who call ourselves followers of Jesus need genuine, rock-solid advice on how to improve our relationships with our wives and girlfriends. For whatever reason, most men feel like taking in useful marriage and dating guidance is not worth the effort. Quite often, we would rather toss back a few cold ones with…

Recommended Book Resources For Men’s Ministries

Want to dive further into men’s ministry or learn what it means to live the life of a Christian man? In preparation for the newly-released Warrior Disciple men’s ministry book, I wanted to offer what I thought were other great books for men’s ministry and spiritual growth for guys. The following are just a mere smattering of terrific resources to help you in your pursuit of going deeper with God: The Quest For Character by John MacArthur If you can…

Fellowship of Evangelical Baptists (FEB) Belief Statement/Affirmation of Faith

I would be remiss if I didn’t include the Statement of Faith of the association that my church is a part of, the Fellowship of Evangelical Baptists (FEB or The Fellowship) in Canada. The core of FEB and the reason for our national unity, is our commitment to a set of shared beliefs. The following Belief Statement, or Affirmation of Faith, is a declaration of the truths that unite the organization in ministry. As believers in the Lord Jesus Christ, FEB…

Listen to My Interview On the Dad Devotionals Podcast

I recently had the honor and privilege of being a guest on the Dad Devotionals Podcast. Hosted by David Domzalski, Dad Devotionals is a show for Christian fathers and husbands who want advice to win the race to Christ, with discussion on how to be the men God called us to be. David and I chatted about topics such as what I think is holding men back from living a life in Christ; the importance of fellowship; my experience running…

Scott’s Newest Writing Project

  Hey, where has Scott been lately?” A few of you may have been wondering the above interrogative. Rest assured, I have not dropped off the map. In fact, the metaphorical map may be growing by leaps and bounds. In the past six months, many people have seen their COVID-19-inflicted semi-lockdown as a bringer of hours of freed-up time, with some lamentably scurrying for new hobbies and (gag) new Netflix series on which to binge. For me, the bulk of…

Interview With John Clark and Michael Bodine of Soulcon Ministries | Soulcon Operator Book Released!

Soulcon Ministries is a digital men’s ministry that encourages Christian men to abandon the watered-down confines of lukewarm faith and instead go all-in for Jesus Christ physically, mentally and spiritually. Soulcon was founded by US Navy veteran-turned fitness expert and personal trainer Cody Bobay after he saw the “couch potato” lives that your average, 21st Century guys – yes, even most evangelical men – practice on a regular basis in every area of their lives. To help encourage men to get…

List of Soulcon App Inspirational Messages

I’m honored to be part of a fantastic online men’s ministry called Soulcon. One of the main focuses of Soulcon Ministries is to encourage men to get out of their lazy, lukewarm rut and instead pursue the Lord Jesus Christ with all of their hearts, living lives with the same intensity that special forces soldiers do in the military. Soulcon Ministries, through its awesome phone app, pushes out great Bible verses, quotes, and inspirational sayings at least once a day…

Check-In On Your Brothers

One of the quasi-questionable ways that society has misled the male population over the generations is by encouraging us to tighten our lips and “buck up” every single time whenever something negative happens in our lives. You know, “shut up and be a man!”  That’s not necessarily 100% poor advice. Depending on how you look at it, it is actually partially good advice. In fact, 1 Corinthians 6:13 instructs us to “Be watchful, stand firm in the faith, act like…

111 Ways For Christian Men (and Women) To Be More Romantic

When it comes to demonstrating how much we love our spouses or our girlfriends, we men can almost be like befuddled cavemen banging rocks together. Yes, we as Christians can become adept at knowing high-level spiritual or theological matters, but admittedly many men can have a very limited capacity for good, romantic ideas. To a lot of us, the word “romance” equates to red roses, a box of chocolates, and Valentine’s Day dinner by candlelight. Or we think of sitting…

Why You Need to Develop a Wartime Attitude

Folks, do you have a wartime attitude or a peacetime mentality in your everyday lives? The last time we had nationwide wartime mindsets here in America and the UK was nearly 80 years ago during World War 2. If you’re not familiar with it, the “war effort” here at home was a spirit of cooperation whereby the general civilian populace joined together with our military and industry by doing things like rationing and by collecting and recycling materials such as…


Ah, revenge. We’ve all known what it is like to be betrayed, hurt, lied to, and generally screwed over. And we have all experienced multiple times where we wanted to exact revenge against the perpetrator. The feeling of getting bloody, satisfying payback for someone done wrong against someone else has provided the basis for some of our favorite stories, as it allows us to vicariously live out our fantasies of revenge through the protagonists’ eyes. For instance, we feel the…

How My Wife and I Pray and Study the Bible Together

One of the most imperative things you can do with your spouse (this could also apply to a long-term boyfriend/girlfriend or fiancée/fiancé) is spending regular, quality “God time” with him or her. Doing so will strengthen and deepen your faith, and draw you closer to each other as you draw nearer to God. What does this entail, you might ask? It can include a certain amount of Bible reading, discussion and reflection, and praying together. I’ve decided to “peel back the…

Dream Personal Training

Can you imagine having personal training sessions with one of the world’s leading authorities? Let’s say you were a teenage swimmer, with lofty goals to one day become an Olympic contender. You have genetics, talent, and pure drive, yet…you need something more to rocket you ahead of the competition. What if by the best fortune you’ve ever been given, you were able to pull in the services of none other than Michael Phelps – who by many measurements is the…