'writing' Tagged Posts

'writing' Tagged Posts


Warrior Disciple Mens Book is Here!

My latest book, Warrior Disciple: Discipleship Manual For Men, is finally here! Hello, fellow seekers of truth and purpose! Are you ready to embark on a transformative journey in taking your Christian walk to the next level? Look no further than the pages of Warrior Disciple, a powerful men’s ministry manual designed to deepen your relationship with Jesus, strengthen your faith, and equip you for the battles of life. What Is Warrior Disciple? Indispensable Tool For Your Men’s Ministry or…

Christian Book Publishing Demystified

As I inch toward achieving the goal of releasing my men’s ministry book, Warrior Disciple, I’ve dived into seeing what the best way of publishing it is. Book publishing, even from a Christian perspective, is a big, daunting world to explore, and here’s what I’ve learned so far. The Big Picture Ever wondered how Christian books make it to the shelves? Let’s demystify the process and take a stroll through the world of Christian publishing, a small but significant part…

Christian Fireteams Guide – What Is It In Men’s Discipleship? Warrior Disciple Preview

The following is a preview guide for my upcoming men’s ministry book, Warrior Disciple. As it pertains to discipleship, it discusses what a fireteam is, how to form a fireteam, and how to conduct your fireteam meetings. Christian discipleship is the belief and act of following Jesus Christ with your whole life. Since we as disciples are commanded to create other disciples (Matthew 28:19-20), making sure that our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ are learning, growing, and feeling supported…

Warrior Disciple Book Update

Here’s a brief update on my forthcoming men’s ministry book, Warrior Disciple. I’ve spent much time in prayer, consultation with several other Christian author friends, deliberation, and consideration, all in trying to figure out how to get published within a reasonable amount of time and to be able to maintain enough creative control to be able to get the product that men’s ministries need. I was faced with three major avenues of publishing. One, I could strive to get a…

Recommended Book Resources For Men’s Ministries

Want to dive further into men’s ministry or learn what it means to live the life of a Christian man? In preparation for the newly-released Warrior Disciple men’s ministry book, I wanted to offer what I thought were other great books for men’s ministry and spiritual growth for guys. The following are just a mere smattering of terrific resources to help you in your pursuit of going deeper with God: The Quest For Character by John MacArthur If you can…

Great Christian Quotes and Inspirational Sayings

Somewhat inspired by my Soulcon App Inspirational Messages compilation, I’ve decided to start another huge list of Christian quotes, sayings, phrases, Bible Verses, and inspirational messages. This page will be a constantly growing compendium of Christian inspirational sayings, so check back here often (and please bookmark this page!). As I come across great quotations from others, collect and copy them from Scripture, or perhaps even think of a few worthwhile Christian sayings myself, I will post them here.  I will…

Scott’s Newest Writing Project

  Hey, where has Scott been lately?” A few of you may have been wondering the above interrogative. Rest assured, I have not dropped off the map. In fact, the metaphorical map may be growing by leaps and bounds. In the past six months, many people have seen their COVID-19-inflicted semi-lockdown as a bringer of hours of freed-up time, with some lamentably scurrying for new hobbies and (gag) new Netflix series on which to binge. For me, the bulk of…

Interview With John Clark and Michael Bodine of Soulcon Ministries | Soulcon Operator Book Released!

Soulcon Ministries is a digital men’s ministry that encourages Christian men to abandon the watered-down confines of lukewarm faith and instead go all-in for Jesus Christ physically, mentally and spiritually. Soulcon was founded by US Navy veteran-turned fitness expert and personal trainer Cody Bobay after he saw the “couch potato” lives that your average, 21st Century guys – yes, even most evangelical men – practice on a regular basis in every area of their lives. To help encourage men to get…

How Much Should We Revere God’s Word, and Should Bible Pages Be Marked Up?

  When I was a teenager, I was taught by my mom to revere the Bible. It was good that she instilled in me a healthy respect for Holy Scripture, as it is indeed the inspired Word of God. Here is 2 Timothy 3:16-17, which I often quote: “All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be competent, equipped for every good…
How to Fight Writer's Block

How to Fight Writers Block

Everyone gets it, and it’s totally unavoidable: the painful and dreaded Writer’s Block. It doesn’t matter if you blog about your kids, write about local business and politics, or talk about your favorite heavy metal bands, or even pen New York Times bestsellers; at one time or another, you’ll run smack into a creativity brick wall with ostensibly no way around it. Not to worry, though, here are some tricks that will help you blast through that barrier and allow…
scott roberts christian author

A New Undertaking in Writing…and a New Beginning

Even though it doesn’t seem that long, I’ve been doing blogging for an entire decade, and then some. This whole adventure started with a general-purpose platform for my silly writing excursions on my “main” website of scottrobertsweb.com. You see, around 2006 and 2007, I, being a website designer, whipped together a rudimentary content management system (for you non-techies, I’m referring software such as WordPress that runs on the back-end). I hardly knew what the topic theme was, so basically winged…

My Visit to the Taco Bell Test Kitchen and Volcano Menu Review

This week I was fortunate enough to be asked by Taco Bell (along with several other national food bloggers and writers) to get an in-depth look at the company’s expanding Volcano Menu, which features the delicious new Lava Sauce. Taco bell flew me out to their corporate headquarters in Irvine, California to visit their Test Kitchen and talk to the food innovators who created the Volcano line, sample the spicy wares, and even create my own custom menu item. A…