Men’s Ministry

Men’s Ministry


You Must Utterly Destroy Sin

Have you ever found yourself stuck in the same routine, day in and day out? I know I have. It’s so easy to fall into a pattern where we feel safe, comfortable, and in control. Our comfort zones are like warm, cozy blankets that we wrap around ourselves, protecting us from the unknown. But as men of God, we are not called to live a life of comfort and complacency. We are called to be warriors, ready to step into…

Marriage Mastery Advice – Secrets to a Thriving Relationship

The Best Marriage Advice Ever? For those of us who have been navigating the internet since the 1990s, we’ve seen a deluge of emails, message board posts, and blog articles packed with so-called “facts” and advice lists being shared everywhere. With the rise of social media over the past 15 years, the distribution of these materials has exponentially skyrocketed, often for worse rather than better, as a lot of terrible info has reached a lot of eyeballs. Today, there’s an…

The Warrior Mindset: Spiritual Warfare for Christian Men

Men always have fantasized about the prospect of being a warrior in a grand, epic battle. Whether it be a Jedi Knight in a galaxy far, far away, a medieval fighter clashing swords with the intruding armies over matters of honor and glory, or perhaps a Roman gladiator or a samurai warrior battling hordes of opposing forces for your loved kingdom, we guys have longed for the fight. Men want to be part of something bigger than themselves. They desire…

Five Key Reasons Why Warrior Disciple is the Men’s Ministry Book You Need

My new men’s ministry book, Warrior Disciple, offers compelling reasons for men to engage in small group study or incorporate it into church programs. Let’s explore five key reasons why Warrior Disciple is the book for you! 1. Biblical Foundation and Discipleship The Warrior Disciple book serves as a 21st-century manual, guiding men on a biblical quest to become the men God has called them to be. Its adaptable modules make it suitable for various study frequencies—weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly. Whether you’re…

Godly Husband, Strong Marriage: Six Steps to Captivate Your Wife’s Heart

Christian men, please take note of this. Marriage is a sacred covenant designed by God, and as Christian men, we are called to love our wives as Christ loves the church (Ephesians 5:25). This love involves not just emotional and spiritual support but also being a strong and godly leader in the home. One key aspect of a thriving marriage is understanding and nurturing your wife’s Interest Level in you. Interest level refers to the degree of attraction, respect, and…

Warrior Disciple Mens Book is Here!

My latest book, Warrior Disciple: Discipleship Manual For Men, is finally here! Hello, fellow seekers of truth and purpose! Are you ready to embark on a transformative journey in taking your Christian walk to the next level? Look no further than the pages of Warrior Disciple, a powerful men’s ministry manual designed to deepen your relationship with Jesus, strengthen your faith, and equip you for the battles of life. What Is Warrior Disciple? Indispensable Tool For Your Men’s Ministry or…

From the Ball Field to the Battlefield: A Man’s Journey Through 1 Corinthians 16:13

Men, I want to have a word with you. Life’s like an endless series of curveballs, isn’t it, guys? Sometimes those surprises are like hitting a home run in the bottom of the ninth inning, and other times, they feel more like striking out with the bases loaded. One minute you’re cruising along, feeling like you’ve got everything under control, and the next, you’re faced with a challenge that makes you feel like you’re standing at the plate with two…

The Biblical Blueprint of Manhood

Just what does it mean to be a “man?” How does the Bible define masculinity? In our quest to understand the essence of manhood, the Word of God provides us with several profound insights. It offers a blueprint for men to live by, emphasizing strength, courage, love, responsibility, humility, and faithfulness to God. In this post, we’ll explore six significant Bible verses that shed light on the concept of Biblical manhood. 1. Standing Firm in Faith and Love – 1…

Standing Firm! A Guide for Christian Men to Resist Temptation

In a world filled with countless distractions and temptations, the Christian walk is indeed a difficult journey. It calls for unyielding resolve and exceptional steadfastness, especially for men who bear a weighty responsibility to live and lead by example. Yet, the question arises: how can one resist the lures of temptation that constantly beckon? Drawing from Biblical principles, we unravel this perplexing question in the hopes of equipping Christian men to overcome temptation. Acknowledge the Reality of Temptation Firstly, it…

Transitioning from Participant to Leader of the Faith

Every Christian’s journey is unique, both from their starting point before salvation, and then all the way through where God ultimately takes them in their walk with Jesus. What I’m going to focus on in this article is where Christian men are after receiving Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Many believers are “on fire” for Jesus for a short bit and then quickly transform into lukewarm participants in the faith. However, to truly embrace and embody the teachings…

How Pride Can Ruin Christian Male Leadership

“When pride comes, then comes disgrace, but with the humble is wisdom.” – Proverbs 11:2 [ESV] Pride is a powerful and insidious force that can undermine the effectiveness of Christian male leadership in a variety of ways. At its core, pride is all about self-aggrandizement, seeking to elevate oneself above others and to place one’s own interests and desires above the needs and well-being of others. When pride is allowed to take root in the hearts and minds of Christian…

Victorious in Christ: A Call to Lead, Love, and Conquer

But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.” – 1 Corinthians 15:57 [ESV] As a man is called to lead, love, and conquer, we are not left to navigate life’s challenges alone. Our source of strength, courage, and ultimate victory lies in Jesus Christ, who has granted us triumph through His death and resurrection. He is our Rock! With Christ as our immovable foundation, we can rise above every obstacle and become the…

The Impact of Lead Pastor Involvement on Men’s Ministry: Insights from Patrick Morley

The role of men within the church is absolutely crucial for fostering powerful growth in Christ both at home and in our communities. However, men’s ministry often struggles to attract consistent attendance and active involvement. In this blog post, we will explore the powerful influence that the lead pastor’s involvement can have on men’s ministry, drawing insights from the teachings of renowned Christian author and speaker Patrick “Pat” Morley of Man in the Mirror. Morley, through both his books and…

Making a Lasting Impact: Why Discipling Others is Crucial for Every Christian

As a follower of Jesus Christ, I firmly believe that one of the most critical pursuits we can undertake is discipling others. Discipling is all about pouring into people’s lives, aiding them in their spiritual growth, and empowering them to positively impact the world for the Kingdom of God. It is not merely a suggestion but a royal summons that Jesus has extended to each of us. The Apostle Paul’s message to Timothy offers a clear example of the importance…

Before Starting A Men’s Ministry, Make Sure You Do These 5 Things

Men’s ministry can be a potent tool for building a strong community of Christian men, helping each other to grow as disciples of Christ and as leaders in their homes and communities. The building process of an effective men’s ministry can be a challenging task. Many different elements need to be taken into consideration, from choosing the right leadership team to planning engaging events. However, several things must happen during the initial startup, particularly getting permission from your church or pastor.…

77 Relevant (and Biblical) Topics for Men’s Ministry Discussions

Are you a men’s ministry leader looking for fresh and engaging topics to discuss with the men in your church or community? Look no further! I’ve compiled a list of 77 relevant and timely men’s ministry topics that will inspire and challenge men to grow in their faith, relationships, and impact on the world for the Lord Jesus Christ. From leadership and fatherhood to addiction recovery and technology, these topics are designed to meet men where they are and help…

Why Aren’t More Men Involved in Men’s Ministry?

In the 5+ years that I’ve been directly involved with men’s ministry leadership, it’s often disheartening to see a general lack of interest from Christian men in any type of spiritual focus on them. Books have been written on it (Pastoring Men by Patrick Morley is an excellent read), and men’s ministry proponents are regularly confounded about why men aren’t engaged more. Often, the average Christian man sees that attending a Sunday service is adequate…that is if he even makes…

How Can a Husband Forgive His Wife

Marriage is a sacred bond that God designed to be a lifetime commitment between a man and a woman. However, marriages are not perfect, and couples will inevitably face challenges and conflicts. When these challenges arise, forgiveness becomes an essential ingredient for a healthy and thriving marriage relationship. Forgiveness is the foundation of reconciliation and restoration. In this blog post, we’ll discuss how a husband can forgive his wife from a biblical, Christian perspective. First and foremost, it is essential…

How To Be Sexually Pure As A Man

Sexual purity is an essential aspect of any man’s life, and it is a concept that is emphasized throughout the Bible. God has created sexual intercourse to be a wonderful, holy, and precious thing in a marriage between one man and one woman. But anything that deviates from that is outside of what God intended and fits in the broad category of sexual immorality.  Sexual immorality includes any sexual activity outside of marriage, including pornography, premarital sex, adultery, homosexuality, and…

How to Hear the Voice of God and Learn to Obey Him

In Isaiah 30:21, the Bible states, “Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, ‘This is the way; walk in it.’” This verse serves as a reminder of God’s guidance and encouragement for us to take action in our lives. God wants us to be active and proactive in our faith, for us not to sit back and wait for things to happen. He desires us to trust Him,…