Before Starting A Men’s Ministry, Make Sure You Do These 5 Things

Before Starting A Men’s Ministry, Make Sure You Do These 5 Things


Men’s ministry can be a potent tool for building a strong community of Christian men, helping each other to grow as disciples of Christ and as leaders in their homes and communities. The building process of an effective men’s ministry can be a challenging task. Many different elements need to be taken into consideration, from choosing the right leadership team to planning engaging events.

However, several things must happen during the initial startup, particularly getting permission from your church or pastor. This involves presenting your vision for the ministry and demonstrating how it aligns with the values and mission of your church. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to get your church’s or pastor’s permission to start a men’s ministry:

Step 1: Pray and Seek Guidance

Before approaching your church or pastor, it’s essential to spend time in prayer and seek guidance from the Lord. Ask God for clarity and direction in your vision for the men’s ministry.  If you’re able to, fast as you pray. This will help you to approach your church or pastor with a clear understanding of your purpose and goals.

Step 2: Do Your Research

Before presenting your vision for the men’s ministry, do your research. This includes gathering information on other men’s ministries in your geographic area or in other similar churches. If you have friends who attend other churches in other towns, states, provinces, or countries, ask what they do. Research men’s study materials online or in print format. Look for best practices and successful strategies that you can incorporate into your ministry.

Step 3: Present Your Vision

Once you’ve done your research and spent time in prayer, it’s time to present your vision to your church or pastor. This involves outlining your purpose and goals, as well as the strategies you plan to use to achieve them. Think of everything, including days and times to meet to whether regular meetings will coincide with meals or other activities. Be prepared to answer questions and address any concerns your church elders or pastor may have.

Step 4: Demonstrate Alignment

When presenting your vision, it’s important to demonstrate how your men’s ministry aligns with the values and mission of your church. Show how your ministry can help to fulfill the church’s vision and goals. Emphasize how the men’s ministry can benefit the church as a whole.

Don’t get upset if the elders or pastors don’t agree with everything you have to say or suggest; they might have a different take on things you might not have thought of. Just be humble, positive, thankful, and faithful to God.

Step 5: Seek Support

In addition to getting permission from your church or pastor, seek their support for your men’s ministry. This can include financial support, resources, and guidance. Be open to feedback and suggestions from your church or pastor, and be willing to collaborate to make your men’s ministry a success.

By following these steps, you are more likely to get get your church leaders’ or pastor’s permission to start a men’s ministry and build a solid local community of Christian men.

Discover Warrior Disciple for Your Men’s Group

warrior-disciple-mens-ministry-bookNeed a solid resource for men’s ministry in your church or group study? Scott Roberts’ book “Warrior Disciple” is the answer. This book explores numerous topics on becoming a strong follower of Jesus Christ and provides practical advice for leading your home in a godly manner. Get your copy at, invite your friends, and commit fully to being a dedicated disciple of the Lord Jesus Christ.


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