Warrior Disciple is Here!

My latest book, Warrior Disciple, is available! Warrior Disciple is a fully-developed program for your church’s men’s ministry or for your men’s small group study.

Latest Blog Posts From Scott & Team

If God Does Not Change His Mind, Then Why Bother Praying?

“If God’s constancy implies that he does not change his mind, plans, or actions, then how does one make sense of petitionary prayer?” Theology surrounding questions like these can be challenging, and it is worth taking the time to really think through them. We must start with the understanding that according to Scripture, God is sovereign, and His will is unchangeable. Ephesians 1:11 makes this clear: God “works all things according to the counsel of His will.” We also know…

Can True Prophets of God Be Inaccurate?

Earlier today, I stumbled upon a meme image talking about false prophets and true prophets. As I always try to be discerning about any piece of instruction or advice found on the web, I quickly analyzed it: The first part reads, “A false prophet will tickle the ears of the lukewarm and give false hope to the desperate.” So far, so good, as we know that many who claim to be modern-day “prophets” boast about having direct messages from God…
384 Names For Jesus in Scripture

384 Names For Jesus in Scripture

Below are most, if not all, of Jesus Christ’s names and titles in the Bible, each revealing His unique divine attributes and roles. I’ve been able to compile about 384 of these terms for Jesus. From “The Light of the World” in John 8:12 to “The Alpha and Omega” in Revelation 22:13, these names highlight His significance and purpose. Titles like “The Good Shepherd,” “The Lamb of God,” and “The Prince of Peace” all deepen our understanding of Jesus in…

You Must Utterly Destroy Sin

Have you ever found yourself stuck in the same routine, day in and day out? I know I have. It’s so easy to fall into a pattern where we feel safe, comfortable, and in control. Our comfort zones are like warm, cozy blankets that we wrap around ourselves, protecting us from the unknown. But as men of God, we are not called to live a life of comfort and complacency. We are called to be warriors, ready to step into…

Marriage Mastery Advice – Secrets to a Thriving Relationship

The Best Marriage Advice Ever? For those of us who have been navigating the internet since the 1990s, we’ve seen a deluge of emails, message board posts, and blog articles packed with so-called “facts” and advice lists being shared everywhere. With the rise of social media over the past 15 years, the distribution of these materials has exponentially skyrocketed, often for worse rather than better, as a lot of terrible info has reached a lot of eyeballs. Today, there’s an…

The Warrior Mindset: Spiritual Warfare for Christian Men

Men always have fantasized about the prospect of being a warrior in a grand, epic battle. Whether it be a Jedi Knight in a galaxy far, far away, a medieval fighter clashing swords with the intruding armies over matters of honor and glory, or perhaps a Roman gladiator or a samurai warrior battling hordes of opposing forces for your loved kingdom, we guys have longed for the fight. Men want to be part of something bigger than themselves. They desire…

Five Key Reasons Why Warrior Disciple is the Men’s Ministry Book You Need

My new men’s ministry book, Warrior Disciple, offers compelling reasons for men to engage in small group study or incorporate it into church programs. Let’s explore five key reasons why Warrior Disciple is the book for you! 1. Biblical Foundation and Discipleship The Warrior Disciple book serves as a 21st-century manual, guiding men on a biblical quest to become the men God has called them to be. Its adaptable modules make it suitable for various study frequencies—weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly. Whether you’re…

Godly Husband, Strong Marriage: Six Steps to Captivate Your Wife’s Heart

Christian men, please take note of this. Marriage is a sacred covenant designed by God, and as Christian men, we are called to love our wives as Christ loves the church (Ephesians 5:25). This love involves not just emotional and spiritual support but also being a strong and godly leader in the home. One key aspect of a thriving marriage is understanding and nurturing your wife’s Interest Level in you. Interest level refers to the degree of attraction, respect, and…

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New to the website? Welcome! This is the home of Scott Roberts, Christian author, devo writer, blogger, writer, church elder, and men’s ministry leader.
Please take a look at these introductory posts:

Scott's Writing Projects

See what Scott Roberts has been up to when it comes to books, devotionals, apologetics, and men’s ministry activities…

Men's Ministry

I’ve written a men’s ministry book that I hope will challenge men to go deeper with their faith in the Lord Jesus Christ…

Book, Magazine & Online Writing

soulcon-operator-bookWarrior Disciple Book
Released June 2024
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2024 – present
Devotional/Blog Author
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soulcon-operator-bookSoulcon Operator Book
Released 2020
Contributing Writer
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Soulcon Online Men's Ministries Soulcon Men’s Ministries
Devotional Writer
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