Posts from 2021 (Page 8)

Posts from 2021 (Page 8)


Thinking of the Future Can Be Scary

A scribe angel in Daniel 12:4 told Prophet Daniel, “But Daniel, keep this prophecy a secret; seal it up so that it will not be understood until the end times, when travel and education shall be vastly increased!” [TLB]. It’s crazy how much travel we do on a mass scale, even in the middle of a pandemic. Travel is a beautiful thing—a way to connect with loved ones and friends and relax and unwind. But I hear people tell me…

What Goes Around Comes Around

Ahithophel said to Absalom, “Have relations with your father’s concubines, whom he has left behind to take care of the house; then all Israel will hear that you have made yourself repulsive to your father. The hands of all who are with you will also be strengthened.” – 2 Samuel 16:21 NASB Young Absalom did just as he was advised (2 Samuel 16:22). David’s sin with Bathsheba came back to haunt him. We all know the story of David and…

My Faith Isn’t Blind

Now, one would ask from the previous post: What would give the mower the certainty needed to ensure he would not stumble or make errors in darkness? The answer is light. The Sun shining would give the mower all he needed to guarantee he didn’t miss a leaf. So in speaking about faith, many have the idea that faith is the opposite of sight because of the declaration that it is “evidenced in things not seen.” However, the contrary is…

No Reserves, No Retreats, No Regrets

Don’t put out the Spirit’s fire. [1 Thessalonians 5:19 GW] William Borden, after he graduated from high school in 1904, was called to be a missionary. At different points in Bordon’s short life, he wrote in the back of his Bible, “No reserves, no retreats, no regrets.” Though he came from a very wealthy family, wealth did not possess him. Early on in his life, a friend expressed that he was throwing his life away by becoming a missionary—he wrote…

God May Give You The Victory, But You Still Have To Go Through The Battle

I often wonder, when watching sports, what happens when both teams pray to God for victory.  Does the team with the most faith or those closest to God with the least amount of sin in their life have their prayer answered?  It’s also interesting to hear when someone is interviewed after a sports win that they give credit to God, however, do they recognize God as well when they lose? God gives us strength and abilities; in fact, the very…

4 Lessons I Learned At Age 24

Now that I’m 25, I want to reflect on the things I learned at age 24. Year 24 was a year of peaks and valleys for me. It started strong in the first few months with receiving my mom’s life insurance check of twelve grand; but as the months progressed, I tried finding ways to advance my poetry career while enjoying the benefits of living on my own in Jacksonville, Florida. Unfortunately, things quickly went south as I bit more…

Can We Forgive Christians Who Make Mistakes?

God is there all the time for you! Just look at the story of Jonah. He disobeyed, but God still took him out of the belly of the fish! You may have been disobedient to God, but if you know Jesus as your savior, He will never leave you. Romans 15:15-17 NIV says, “Nor can the gift of God be compared with the result of one man’s sin: The judgment followed one sin and brought condemnation, but the gift followed many…

Equipped To Do Great Things

God will never tell us to do something that He won’t prepare us for. God always has a way of teaching us and equipping us in doing whatever He called us to do. “God will make this happen, for he who calls you is faithful.” 1 Thessalonians 5:24 NLT God won’t leave us hanging. He won’t leave us guessing. God will give us tools in how we are able to accomplish what He has called us to accomplish. When God…

Walking In Holiness

I just listened to a great sermon from my pastor yesterday on holiness. The word “holiness” is often misinterpreted as “legalism”, but true holiness is being set apart from the world, and conformed and transformed by God’s Word. “I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service. And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of…

Time Never Runs Out On God

I just had a conversation with my landlord last night and I told him I will be able to pay him back for all the months I missed by late June. He said okay, so good news for me that I won’t be evicted on the 10th. The way I will be able to pay him back is through a blood drive that’s paying 100 dollars per visit. I should have enough for the current month and previous months I…

Why God Allows Delays

We oftentimes ask God what we want but don’t get a response. God wants what’s best for us, but we have to be ready for the blessing. God doesn’t just give us what we want when we want. God prepares us for the blessing through challenges we go through in life. God has to test us to bless us. If God gave us everything we wanted when we wanted, we will become prideful. One reason why God allows delays is…

Wait Quietly For God

I have been writing a lot on waiting on God in recent days. One passage I stumbled on yesterday was from Lamentations 3:25-26. It talks about waiting quietly for God. To “wait quietly” means to stand by without complaining nor trying to make it happen on your own. It doesn’t necessarily mean you keep it to yourself, but it does mean not to create a pity party. “The LORD is good unto them that wait for Him, To the soul…
Discernments and Decisions

Discernment and Decisions

Our lives are filled with opportunities to make decisions. Some decisions involve everyday choices we face, such as what to wear or whether you should respond to an email. These are simple. These are a matter of preference. For example, we typically do not spend much of our time evaluating and determining the ultimate choice of what color shirt to wear. But other decisions are more complex. Decisions about a job, a move, additional responsibilities, or even relationships are decisions…

Great Christian Quotes and Inspirational Sayings

Somewhat inspired by my Soulcon App Inspirational Messages compilation, I’ve decided to start another huge list of Christian quotes, sayings, phrases, Bible Verses, and inspirational messages. This page will be a constantly growing compendium of Christian inspirational sayings, so check back here often (and please bookmark this page!). As I come across great quotations from others, collect and copy them from Scripture, or perhaps even think of a few worthwhile Christian sayings myself, I will post them here.  I will…
There's Always Hope in Jesus

There’s Always Hope in Jesus

On a hot summer day, my mind wandered as I stood in a long receiving line that overflowed from a funeral home. I was there to pay my respects to some extended family members who had lost their 21-year-old son to a drug overdose. Seeing and feeling the hurt from this deadly epidemic, I wondered if there was something I could do. I asked God if He could use me in some way to help in this fight.   He inspired…

How Pride Could Get You In Trouble

My last post was on how God has humbled me these past 7 months. I want to speak more about pride because we all have pride in some shape or form. Self-love is ingrained in us because we as humans love comfort and to feel good about ourselves. Pride is a sin that leads to so many other sins. Pride was the very thing that kicked Satan out of Heaven. Pride is very subtle, it starts when you think you…

Blind Faith

Behold, a mower went out to mow his lawn a little while before night, and alas, he had not finished. However, he continued to mow his grass in the dark against the dim half-crescent moonlight that shone and a nearby streetlight. To his dismay, he realized his lack of vision would hinder the yard’s aesthetic, yet he knew he needed to finish. He pressed on. Ultimately guided by his sense of pride, he squinted to follow the tracks in the…

There Is a God in Heaven

“The foundations of law and order have collapsed. What can the righteous do?” (Psalms 11:3 NLT) In a time of great need, David made a proclamation of faith.  He said, there is a God in Heaven.  He said this because in his life on Earth there did not appear to be one. I recently found myself in a circumstance that humanly speaking there was no solution.  I had prayed, believed, and confessed, but the complexities of the state of affairs…

How God Has Humbled Me

Humility is something we constantly learn as sinful Christians. We like to think we are wise and good on our own, but we often get ourselves in trouble. God has really humbled me in the last seven months. Back in November, I was faced with the most difficult conversation I had in my life with my Godmother on Thanksgiving Day. She pretty much hammered me on finances and adulting for over an hour after so many failed attempts of my…

Simple Faith

Could it be that the angst and anguish experienced today by the majority of Christians are due to the fact that we, as a generation of believers, are not people of the Word as our predecessors? Often times we like to compare ourselves to the believers of old. We relish in their testimonies and in the revelation of God they walked in. However, this is usually followed by a sort of snickering contempt of their lack of knowledge in comparison…