Blog Articles (Page 18)

Blog Articles (Page 18)

Time Never Runs Out On God

I just had a conversation with my landlord last night and I told him I will be able to pay him back for all the months I missed by late June. He said okay, so good news for me that I won’t be evicted on the 10th. The way I will be able to pay him back is through a blood drive that’s paying 100 dollars per visit. I should have enough for the current month and previous months I…

Why God Allows Delays

We oftentimes ask God what we want but don’t get a response. God wants what’s best for us, but we have to be ready for the blessing. God doesn’t just give us what we want when we want. God prepares us for the blessing through challenges we go through in life. God has to test us to bless us. If God gave us everything we wanted when we wanted, we will become prideful. One reason why God allows delays is…

Wait Quietly For God

I have been writing a lot on waiting on God in recent days. One passage I stumbled on yesterday was from Lamentations 3:25-26. It talks about waiting quietly for God. To “wait quietly” means to stand by without complaining nor trying to make it happen on your own. It doesn’t necessarily mean you keep it to yourself, but it does mean not to create a pity party. “The LORD is good unto them that wait for Him, To the soul…
Discernments and Decisions

Discernment and Decisions

Our lives are filled with opportunities to make decisions. Some decisions involve everyday choices we face, such as what to wear or whether you should respond to an email. These are simple. These are a matter of preference. For example, we typically do not spend much of our time evaluating and determining the ultimate choice of what color shirt to wear. But other decisions are more complex. Decisions about a job, a move, additional responsibilities, or even relationships are decisions…

Great Christian Quotes and Inspirational Sayings

Somewhat inspired by my Soulcon App Inspirational Messages compilation, I’ve decided to start another huge list of Christian quotes, sayings, phrases, Bible Verses, and inspirational messages. This page will be a constantly growing compendium of Christian inspirational sayings, so check back here often (and please bookmark this page!). As I come across great quotations from others, collect and copy them from Scripture, or perhaps even think of a few worthwhile Christian sayings myself, I will post them here.  I will…
There's Always Hope in Jesus

There’s Always Hope in Jesus

On a hot summer day, my mind wandered as I stood in a long receiving line that overflowed from a funeral home. I was there to pay my respects to some extended family members who had lost their 21-year-old son to a drug overdose. Seeing and feeling the hurt from this deadly epidemic, I wondered if there was something I could do. I asked God if He could use me in some way to help in this fight.   He inspired…

How Pride Could Get You In Trouble

My last post was on how God has humbled me these past 7 months. I want to speak more about pride because we all have pride in some shape or form. Self-love is ingrained in us because we as humans love comfort and to feel good about ourselves. Pride is a sin that leads to so many other sins. Pride was the very thing that kicked Satan out of Heaven. Pride is very subtle, it starts when you think you…

Blind Faith

Behold, a mower went out to mow his lawn a little while before night, and alas, he had not finished. However, he continued to mow his grass in the dark against the dim half-crescent moonlight that shone and a nearby streetlight. To his dismay, he realized his lack of vision would hinder the yard’s aesthetic, yet he knew he needed to finish. He pressed on. Ultimately guided by his sense of pride, he squinted to follow the tracks in the…

There Is a God in Heaven

“The foundations of law and order have collapsed. What can the righteous do?” (Psalms 11:3 NLT) In a time of great need, David made a proclamation of faith.  He said, there is a God in Heaven.  He said this because in his life on Earth there did not appear to be one. I recently found myself in a circumstance that humanly speaking there was no solution.  I had prayed, believed, and confessed, but the complexities of the state of affairs…

How God Has Humbled Me

Humility is something we constantly learn as sinful Christians. We like to think we are wise and good on our own, but we often get ourselves in trouble. God has really humbled me in the last seven months. Back in November, I was faced with the most difficult conversation I had in my life with my Godmother on Thanksgiving Day. She pretty much hammered me on finances and adulting for over an hour after so many failed attempts of my…

Simple Faith

Could it be that the angst and anguish experienced today by the majority of Christians are due to the fact that we, as a generation of believers, are not people of the Word as our predecessors? Often times we like to compare ourselves to the believers of old. We relish in their testimonies and in the revelation of God they walked in. However, this is usually followed by a sort of snickering contempt of their lack of knowledge in comparison…

Waiting On God Is Not Passive

For years I struggled with the idea of waiting on God. On the one hand, I’m told to wait on the Lord, but on the other hand, I’m told Faith without works is dead. Those two truths always confused me until recently. I’m facing possible eviction soon, and the future looks really bleak for me at the moment, but if I haven’t learned anything in the past few, I learned that time never runs out on God. Waiting on God…

How I Cut Out Carbs and Got Rid of My Heartburn and Acid Reflux COMPLETELY

This Is How I Cut Out Carbs From My Diet and Got Rid of Heartburn and Acid Reflux COMPLETELY Anyone who is plagued with acid reflux or GERD knows how massively miserable heartburn can be. Of course, most humans can be susceptible to heartburn. Yet when it’s chronic and frequent, it is a (pun intended) gut-wrenching pain that’s often hard to ignore. How It Began Many members of my Dad’s side of the family have been afflicted with the agony…

In A Perfect Storm

I’m struggling right now, as some of you know. I don’t know when my storm is going to end, but I know God is faithful. The past few days, I have been meditating on God’s word. God allows storms in our life to build character, and He’s not going to reward us falsely. The wait may seem long, but when we delight ourselves in God, that’s when change starts happening. I know you guys are wondering what’s next for me?…

4 Things I’m Learning In Dark Times

They say in the dark times is where you learn the most. I have been in financial darkness for over six months now, and here are some lessons I’ve learned while I been in darkness. 1. Don’t Jump Ahead of God We become so eager to do stuff without the guidance of The Holy Spirit. We let our feelings and other people’s opinion dictate our actions. Waiting on God’s guidance is critical for success. If we don’t wait on God’s…

God Doesn’t Give Fake Blessings

“Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened. Or what man is there among you who, if his son asks for bread, will give him a stone? Or if he asks for a fish, will he give him a serpent? If you then, being evil, know how to…

James 1:1 – Heart of a Servant

James, a servant of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ, to the twelve tribes which are scattered abroad, greeting. – James 1:1 KJV Its widely accepted that the James who wrote this book is not James the son of Zebedee, who was a disciple of Jesus while He walked this earth.  Rather, it is the half-brother of Jesus named James, who became a Christian after the resurrection.  When Paul started His ministry, James was one of the first people…

God Will Give Us Our Heart’s Desire When We Submit to Him

Trust in the Lord and do good. Then you will live safely in the land and prosper. Take delight in the Lord, and he will give you your heart’s desires. Commit everything you do to the Lord. Trust him, and he will help you.” – Psalms 37:3-5 [NLT] God will give us the desires of our hearts when we submit to His will. Most people take Psalm 37:4 out of context and do not take verses three and five into…

Let Jesus Be Lord of Your Needs

We like the idea of Jesus being Savior but no so much Lord. Jesus being Lord means He must control every aspect of our life: our time, our money, our jobs, our thoughts, our hobbies, our family, our eating habits, etc. Jesus has to be first or otherwise; we will live a chaotic life. God shows us in the Bible what happens when we put other things before Him. Israel went through years of turmoil because they wanted to rebel…


Scorecards are used in a lot more places than just keeping track of who is winning or losing in a sports game. Brothers and sisters, whether we admit it or not, a great many of us employ mental scorecards to evaluate so many things in our lives. We keep track of how many times the boss compliments your co-workers’ efforts but not yours. We’ll count how often that we are the ones who text or call that relative with whom…