'bible' Tagged Posts (Page 13)
Friends Are A Sign Of God’s Love
I have been blessed with some incredible friends in the past few years. The biggest reason why I enjoyed living in Jacksonville so much was the great friends I made there. If it wasn’t for them I wouldn’t have enjoyed living in Jacksonville so much. My friends have encouraged me and helped me get through tough times even though they didn’t always have the money to do so. I’ve grown so much spiritually since moving to Florida, and it stinks…
When Do We Speak?
It is human nature to have relationships with people and engage in conversations. As Christians, we know that our guidance about human relationships is provided in the Bible. But what about the everyday activity of talking? It seems simple, yet the Bible includes a wealth of verses about talking. We are warned that if we leave our mouths open, we will come to ruin, but if we guard what we say, we can preserve our lives (Proverbs 13:3). In Ephesians,…
The Victory That Counts
“Tell me, who can stand before us when we call on that great name? Jesus, Jesus, precious Jesus – we have the victory.” This congregational praise song has lifted many hearts and spirits; however, it conveys a singular truth that’s worth a short exploration. We have the victory, or at the very least, the one that ultimately counts. Too often, we are bombarded with our failures, whether they be of the past, present or potential future, to consider this thing…
Heaven Is Cheering Us On
“Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a huge crowd of witnesses to the life of faith, let us strip off every weight that slows us down, especially the sin that so easily trips us up. And let us run with endurance the race God has set before us.” – Hebrews 12:1 [NLT] Lately, I have been talking about staying encouraged because I experienced firsthand how discouragement can ruin your peace. Satan’s loves when we feel discouraged because he knows…
God Has No Favorites
God never had any favorites in the Bible. He loved and chastised His people throughout scripture, and even today, God will give us our comeuppance if we step out of bounds. God is a God of equality. He may not give us all the same thing. But He loves us equally. “My dear brothers and sisters, how can you claim to have faith in our glorious Lord Jesus Christ if you favor some people over others? For example, suppose someone…
Why Christian Most Art and Media Is Bad
I’ve been hearing many Christian YouTubers criticize Christian movies and Christian music for being too cheesy and subpar to what the world is offering. Admittedly, I share often share this sentiment. Christian music has grown over the past 50 years, to the point where you now have a “Christian” flavor of every genre of music. Christian rock at one point was played moderately on MTV and other secular rock platforms. Christian movies seem to be a dime a dozen where…
God’s Circumstantial Will
God always has His ultimate purpose, but God knows we’re going to get off course but He still going to lead us to our purpose in the context of our circumstances. God still allowed me to have a place of my own despite coming from a toxic family environment my first few months in Jacksonville. I think God is going to bless me here in North Carolina despite the financial mistakes I made back in Florida. I still think there’s…
Don’t Be A Stumbling Block
“All things are lawful for me, but all things are not helpful. All things are lawful for me, but I will not be brought under the power of any.” – 1 Corinthians 6:12 I was reading a post from a friend of mine earlier, and the post was about a video of Christian woman wearing bikinis. I knew it was going to get controversial, but it straight up got ugly real fast. I personally didn’t have an issue with the…
Should Christians Date?
Dating is a huge part of modern society. It’s the slow transition between friendship and marriage. Most people date for companionship, but as Christians, we should look a dating differently than how the world views it. Dating should be a stepping stone to marriage and not just a way of saying “hey, I have a boyfriend or a girlfriend.” The Bible has nothing to say about dating per se since the idea of courtship wasn’t a cultural concept during Biblical…
God Loves “Little Old Me”
God loves “little old me.” I am using a metaphor for myself. I am neither short nor elderly. But I can feel “little,” meaning I feel insignificant because of my past mistakes compared to the Great I Am. When you fly on an airplane, you really see how “little” each human being is. God wanted a relationship with me, even though I am much smaller than Him. John 15:5, says, “I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in…
Leaders Aren’t Called To Fit In
Everyone wants to be a leader, but no one wants to carry the burden of a leader. As someone called into entrepreneurship, I know how tough it is to fight the pushback of playing small or playing it safe. Being an entrepreneur is cool now, but most people won’t last a month owning a business. Being a leader requires taking risks and making tough decisions that may not go well with the majority. It takes a level of strength and…
God or Mammon
“No one can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or else he will be loyal to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon. – Matthew 6:24 [NKJV] The Bible does not say we “should not” or “must not,” but we cannot serve God and mammon. You will always end up loving one and despising the other. It must be God or mammon. Mammon means “gain.” Including money…
Content Vs. Complacent
Are you content or complacent? People often confuse these two words with being both of them having similar meanings. Being content is all about gratitude while being complacent is all about laziness. You can have gratitude while still being content in Christ, and you can be complacent but miserable deep inside. The Bible tells us in 1 Timothy 6:6 to be content, but it also tells us not to be lazy in Provers chapter 6. How does one balance both? By working…
Christ Has Conquered!
One of the greatest truths easily overlooked in modern Christianity is that Christ conquered the devil and all his forces at Calvary. This fact is often expressed and assumed that one doubts how this flies so noticeably under many Christians’ radar. One might consider me presumptuous to say this; however, if victory was indeed gained on behalf of believers at the cross, why isn’t that victory seen in the lives of professed believers today? Why is it common among ‘the…
Jesus Is My Superhero
When we hear the word “superhero,” names such as Superman, Batman, and Spider-man normally come to mind. The problem with all those names is that all of them of fictional characters. Jesus is a real, historical Person and reigns supreme over any fictional character. The biggest reason why Jesus is worth bowing to other than His status as God is him dying on the cross and rose three days later. Jesus is King not so much of His supernatural powers…
Why The Gospel Is The Greatest Story Ever Told
We all know that the Gospel of Jesus Christ is a life-changing story, but do you know why it’s the greatest story ever told? Here are a few reasons why: 1. We were doomed from the beginning. The Bible makes it clear that we were born in sin and shaped in iniquity (Romans 3:23). Since Adam ate from the tree, humanity has been cursed by sin ever since. Isaiah 64:6 tells us that our righteousness is as filthy rags. No…
Kingdom Hustle
The word “hustle” has a lot of negative connotations. Hustle doesn’t have to mean doing something illegal, sketchy, or selfish to get by. Hustle is simply putting in relentless work towards a goal. As Christians, we should be a shining example of what hard work looks like, but too often, we get complacent and lazy. I’m not any better, but I’m doing my best to improve myself daily as someone who plans on being a full-time writer. Work is critical…
Continue Your Business Grind As A Believer
“So he called ten of his servants, delivered to them ten minas, and said to them, ‘Do business till I come.’” – Luke 19:13 [NKJV] We must continue to stay active as believers and as entrepreneurs until our time on Earth is over. We can’t just sit idle because we think Christ is coming back. We have to continue to be active until He comes back. If God hates one thing, He hates laziness. Being lazy is not something we…
God Will Sustain Me
No matter how difficult life gets. I know God is in control. I went through a lot these past two years. I had many ups and downs, but God has been faithful to me through it all. As of right now, I’m still seeking to Lord of being a full-time writer, but I know He will give me the desires of my heart as long as my will matches with His. I struggled financially in the past few months. It…
It’s Okay To Cry
Crying is a normal part of life; some people cry more than others. In the Bible, men cried. Crying wasn’t just for children and women back then. We all are going to have days where all we can do is cry. Jesus even cried when Lazarus died (John 11:35). God doesn’t expect us to be emotionless people; we have feelings just like God has feelings. Crying is sometimes necessary to get the help we need. David is a great example…