


Marriage Mastery Advice – Secrets to a Thriving Relationship

The Best Marriage Advice Ever? For those of us who have been navigating the internet since the 1990s, we’ve seen a deluge of emails, message board posts, and blog articles packed with so-called “facts” and advice lists being shared everywhere. With the rise of social media over the past 15 years, the distribution of these materials has exponentially skyrocketed, often for worse rather than better, as a lot of terrible info has reached a lot of eyeballs. Today, there’s an…

Godly Husband, Strong Marriage: Six Steps to Captivate Your Wife’s Heart

Christian men, please take note of this. Marriage is a sacred covenant designed by God, and as Christian men, we are called to love our wives as Christ loves the church (Ephesians 5:25). This love involves not just emotional and spiritual support but also being a strong and godly leader in the home. One key aspect of a thriving marriage is understanding and nurturing your wife’s Interest Level in you. Interest level refers to the degree of attraction, respect, and…

The Nashville Statement

The Nashville Statement, first published online on August 29, 2017, was crafted by the Council on Biblical Manhood and Womanhood (CBMW) in Nashville, Tennessee. This document is an evangelical Christian declaration concerning human sexuality and gender roles. It advocates for traditional marriage between one man and one woman, emphasizes fidelity within marriage, promotes chastity outside of marriage, and underscores the connection between biological sex and one’s identity as male or female. Additionally, the Statement expresses opposition to LGBT sexuality, same-sex…

The Danvers Statement

The Danvers Statement delineates the complementarian Christian perspective on gender roles. It isn’t tied to any specific Christian denomination but has garnered recognition from institutions like the Southwestern Baptist Seminary, the Presbyterian Church in America, and the International Council for Gender Studies. Initially unveiled by the Council on Biblical Manhood and Womanhood (CBMW) in Wheaton, Illinois, it traces its origins to discussions among “several evangelical leaders” at a CBMW gathering in Danvers, Massachusetts, in December 1987. The Danvers Statement Rationale…

How Can a Husband Forgive His Wife

Marriage is a sacred bond that God designed to be a lifetime commitment between a man and a woman. However, marriages are not perfect, and couples will inevitably face challenges and conflicts. When these challenges arise, forgiveness becomes an essential ingredient for a healthy and thriving marriage relationship. Forgiveness is the foundation of reconciliation and restoration. In this blog post, we’ll discuss how a husband can forgive his wife from a biblical, Christian perspective. First and foremost, it is essential…

How To Be Sexually Pure As A Man

Sexual purity is an essential aspect of any man’s life, and it is a concept that is emphasized throughout the Bible. God has created sexual intercourse to be a wonderful, holy, and precious thing in a marriage between one man and one woman. But anything that deviates from that is outside of what God intended and fits in the broad category of sexual immorality.  Sexual immorality includes any sexual activity outside of marriage, including pornography, premarital sex, adultery, homosexuality, and…

How Christian Men Can Be Better Leaders in the Home

Christian men play a vital role in leading their families. As leaders in the home, they are called to love, protect, and provide for their families while also modeling a Christ-like character. The Bible offers numerous examples and instructions for how Christian men can be better leaders in the home. Below are some biblical verses and principles that can help men fulfill this important role. Love your wife as Christ loves the Church Ephesians 5:25 states, “Husbands, love your wives,…

How Christian Men Can Fight Porn and Resist Temptation

Pornography is a disastrous issue that affects men of all ages and backgrounds. It may or may not surprise you, but Christian men engage in viewing porn just as much as those who aren’t believers. It can be incredibly difficult to resist the temptation to engage in porn. In fact, you who are reading this blog post right now may be in a nasty habit that seems impossible to kick! Rest assured, you can, with God’s power and grace, you…

How a Christian Man Can Lead His Wife and Children Better

If you are a man and are a born-again follower of Jesus Christ, then it is an absolute must that you lead your wife and children well. Being a husband and father who takes up the mantle of leadership in the home is an enormous responsibility, not to mention a role that is fraught with numerous challenges. However, with God’s guidance through Scripture and the support of the Holy Spirit, you can fulfill this role with grace and love. Here are…

For Better Or For Worse

I hear a lot of people compare a relationship with God to marriage. I have never been married, but I see why marriage has been used as a metaphor for a life as a Christian. Marriage is a life of great suffering and great joy. Men are commanded to love their wives as Christ loves the church. Christ was willing to suffer with us even at our worse. God is ready to celebrate us when we are at our best…

Men, Here’s How to Never Lose Your Wife Or Your Girlfriend

Christian men, I have to be blunt here. When it comes to most of us and the opposite sex, our approach is downright deplorable. More than ever, we who call ourselves followers of Jesus need genuine, rock-solid advice on how to improve our relationships with our wives and girlfriends. For whatever reason, most men feel like taking in useful marriage and dating guidance is not worth the effort. Quite often, we would rather toss back a few cold ones with…

Boaz Is A Metaphor For God’s Favor

I have been reading more into the book of Ruth. The more I read about Boaz, the more differently I look at him. Boaz is viewed by many as the prince charming to Ruth’s cinderella story, but in reality, Boaz is a sign of God’s grace. Boaz came into Ruth’s life as a miracle worker. Ruth was a single woman with not a lot of skills, but she had a desire to leave behind her old life in Moab to…

My Thoughts On the Devon Franklin/Meagan Good Divorce

If you haven’t been paying attention to the Christian media lately, Christian pastor and Hollywood producer Devon Franklin has recently divorced his wife, actress Meagan Good, after years of feeling disconnected. Devon and Megan were wedded for 10 years, and they seem to be the model couple in Hollywood. Even though they both were Christians, they had two completely different personalities. Meagan was the more free-spirited, career-driven girl while Devon was the conservative pastor who happens to work in the…

Should Christians Date?

Dating is a huge part of modern society. It’s the slow transition between friendship and marriage. Most people date for companionship, but as Christians, we should look a dating differently than how the world views it. Dating should be a stepping stone to marriage and not just a way of saying “hey, I have a boyfriend or a girlfriend.” The Bible has nothing to say about dating per se since the idea of courtship wasn’t a cultural concept during Biblical…

Interview With John Clark and Michael Bodine of Soulcon Ministries | Soulcon Operator Book Released!

Soulcon Ministries is a digital men’s ministry that encourages Christian men to abandon the watered-down confines of lukewarm faith and instead go all-in for Jesus Christ physically, mentally and spiritually. Soulcon was founded by US Navy veteran-turned fitness expert and personal trainer Cody Bobay after he saw the “couch potato” lives that your average, 21st Century guys – yes, even most evangelical men – practice on a regular basis in every area of their lives. To help encourage men to get…

The Biblical Order of the Family, and Dispelling Misconceptions About it

It’s way too easy to point at a multitude of sources and blurt out, “now that is the reason society is going downhill!” In most cases, with these reasons both being direct and indirect negative influences, I honestly think that the majority of woes in our society can be fixed if not only if we accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, but also if we completely abandon the world’s definition of family and wholly embrace God’s Biblical standard for…

How My Wife and I Pray and Study the Bible Together

One of the most imperative things you can do with your spouse (this could also apply to a long-term boyfriend/girlfriend or fiancée/fiancé) is spending regular, quality “God time” with him or her. Doing so will strengthen and deepen your faith, and draw you closer to each other as you draw nearer to God. What does this entail, you might ask? It can include a certain amount of Bible reading, discussion and reflection, and praying together. I’ve decided to “peel back the…


In the grand matters of life and love and dating, I’m definitely not a pick-up artist. I’m not looking for “friends with benefits” or a “no strings attached” sexual relationship (quite frankly, that concept sickens me) or a one-night stand. Instead, Scott Roberts is a regular, down-to-earth, single guy and a full-time dad to two teenage boys looking for “the one”. I’m seeking a healthy, long-term relationship with a woman that will hopefully lead me and this lucky lady down…