Faith (Page 10)

Faith (Page 10)


Leaving A Good Mark

“Choose a good reputation over great riches; being held in high esteem is better than silver or gold.” – Proverbs 22:1 [NLT] I talked to one of my friends from my church in Florida last night. We were discussing how much I was missed at church. It really meant a lot to me because it was tough fitting in at the church I was attending. That conversation made me realize that what I had in Jacksonville was special. I didn’t…

God Doesn’t Care About Our Wealth

“The rich and poor have this in common: The LORD made them both.” – Proverbs 22:2 [NLT] In God, there’s no rich nor poor. The world checks your bank account, but God checks your heart. God doesn’t care about how much you have, but He cares about how you steward your money. God will give you all needs when you trust in Him. The world trust in their wallet, but a Godly man will put his faith in The One…

Practice and Precept

Napoleon, commenting on the military genius of Marshal Villars, said, “he has united practice to precept.” I thought this was very interesting. It is easy to focus on the precepts and principles expressed by the wisdom of great men. In fact, speaking of the Bible specifically, many non-Christians have found certain truths beneficial to their life and overall wellbeing. Furthermore, the same has seen usefulness and value in the Scriptures though they aren’t committed followers of Christ. However, what’s good…

Why Encouragement Is Important

Motivational videos have become a hot trend in recent years. More and more young people look for positive motivational content because of all the negativity they deal with on a regular basis. Entrepreneurs are another group of people that spend a lot of time watching and reading motivational content. Entrepreneurs know all too well how important mindset is. If you have a negative attitude, you are not going to perform at the highest level. As Christians, we need daily encouragement…

The Secrets of Our Hearts

“People may be pure in their own eyes, but the Lord examines their motives.” – Proverb 16:2 [NLT] It is often said that what you see is what you get. In the Church, this is often not true. I lead a discipleship program for a major mission organization. We would often get young guys or gals in that school. These students were not with us long before it became evident that there was a disconnect between what they said and…

Consistency Wins

To make 2022, or any year a success, you must have that grit, that motivation to keep going when things don’t look promising. I’m sure at this point, most of you guys have probably forgotten what your new year’s resolution is, but you don’t have to wait until January 1st to kick all the old habits in your life; you can do that now. God doesn’t measure time the way we do, so a year in God’s eyes is just…

Proverbs: Promises or Probabilities?

“These are the proverbs of Solomon, David’s son, king of Israel. Their purpose is to teach people wisdom and discipline, to help them understand the insights of the wise.” – Proverbs 1:1-2 [NLT] What is the purpose of the proverbs of Solomon, King of Israel? Are they iron-clad promises or probabilities? Proverbs is a book of wisdom or insights that, if you apply them, you will usually receive the desired results, but not always. When I hear a Proverb taught…

Boaz Is A Metaphor For God’s Favor

I have been reading more into the book of Ruth. The more I read about Boaz, the more differently I look at him. Boaz is viewed by many as the prince charming to Ruth’s cinderella story, but in reality, Boaz is a sign of God’s grace. Boaz came into Ruth’s life as a miracle worker. Ruth was a single woman with not a lot of skills, but she had a desire to leave behind her old life in Moab to…

Are Millennials Leaving The Church?

If you have been paying attention to the Pew Research in the last several years, you may have heard that Millennials are leaving the church in record numbers. Today’s generation of young adults doesn’t feel a need for religion because it’s seen as too rigid or too hokey. They don’t feel a need for an “Invisible Man in the sky” telling them what to do. It seems that way until you define what religion is. CNBC made a news story…

My Thoughts On the Devon Franklin/Meagan Good Divorce

If you haven’t been paying attention to the Christian media lately, Christian pastor and Hollywood producer Devon Franklin has recently divorced his wife, actress Meagan Good, after years of feeling disconnected. Devon and Megan were wedded for 10 years, and they seem to be the model couple in Hollywood. Even though they both were Christians, they had two completely different personalities. Meagan was the more free-spirited, career-driven girl while Devon was the conservative pastor who happens to work in the…

Being A Good Testimony

When we tell people our testimony, we want to be an example of how to go through life while still maintaining a heart for Christ. That doesn’t mean we will be perfect, but it means we can be like David, a “man after God’s own heart” (1 Samuel 13:14) despite his sins. Our testimony encourages believers to hold on to the faith and non-believers to an example of being a good Christian living in sinful flesh. It was Naomi who…

2022: Taste and See That the Lord is Good

“Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the one who takes refuge in him.” – Psalms 34:8 [NIV] I am a Protestant, but I think I might be a little Catholic. Have you ever noticed how Catholic priests kiss the Bible? There are times where I feel the urge to embrace my Bible. Once, my wife and I went to Ruth’s Chris Steak House with a gift certificate. It was not just a meal but an experience.…

Burnout Culture

Hustle has become synonymous with American culture. Some people live to work. While work is vital to our existence, we can’t let it control us. Work-life balance has been a discussion for many Americans in the past decade. Many people spend more time at work than they do at home, which is problematic for a wealth of different reasons. Millions of Americans are unhappy with their jobs and live paycheck to paycheck despite being one of the wealthiest nations on…

Finish Strong in 2021

We are just days away from a new year. This past year was a lot of things for different people, but we can still finish strong! Every year is going to have its ups and downs, but we don’t have to end in defeat. Going into 2021, I was expecting a strong year both spiritually and financially, but only one of those things was strong, but I always have another year to make things right in terms of money. If…

Celebrating On What Really Matters

We are just less than two days away from Christmas (as I’m writing this blog post). Christmas can be the happiest time of the year for some and the most miserable time of the year for others. Many people feel bombarded with bills and Christmas shopping, so they end the year feeling depressed because of financial woes. It’s easy to get discouraged about not getting the gift you wanted or not being able to see the family members you wanted…

We Should Be Relevant

The word “relevant” seems like a dirty word these days among the Church because it’s assumed that you are trying to be like the world. Being relevant has nothing to do with being conformed to the world, nor is it tainting the core message of the Gospel of Jesus Christ – it has, and always will be, that Jesus died for our sins, was buried, and was physically resurrected. The Gospel will never change, and what applied to mankind 2,000…

It’s Okay To Be Sorrowful

Many people have this false perception that Christians should always be happy. We should indeed be grateful at all times, but not exactly “happy.” Happiness is a circumstantial feeling. We will have days where we feel frustrated and upset. Life is a very emotional rollercoaster. You will have good days and bad days. Even Jesus showed signs of grief during his time on the cross. One of the most well-known verses in the Bible is “Jesus wept.” from John 11:35.…

Blessed Are The Poor In Spirit

“‘God blesses those who are poor and realize their need for him, for the Kingdom of Heaven is theirs.’” – Matthew 5:3 [NLT] What does the term “poor in spirit” actually mean? Being poor in spirit means that you recognize your need for Jesus. Being poor in spirit doesn’t have to mean being financially poor, but it does mean being brokenhearted in a spiritual sense. Jesus loves when we come to Him, knowing that we are broken and unworthy because…

Listen to My Interview On the Dad Devotionals Podcast

I recently had the honor and privilege of being a guest on the Dad Devotionals Podcast. Hosted by David Domzalski, Dad Devotionals is a show for Christian fathers and husbands who want advice to win the race to Christ, with discussion on how to be the men God called us to be. David and I chatted about topics such as what I think is holding men back from living a life in Christ; the importance of fellowship; my experience running…

Good Things Happen To Those Who Wait

Another cliche that has a lot of meaning to me. I spent this past summer really getting deeper into freelancing. It’s been a slow grind, but I have been building meaningful relationships on LinkedIn, and even had a chance to connect with a 7-figure copywriting businesswoman (copywriting is persuasive writing). I haven’t found a client yet as a case study writer, but in due time I should. The reason I say this is because I know it’s hard to wait…