'apologetics' Tagged Posts

'apologetics' Tagged Posts


The Four Types of Christian Apologetics

I believe wholeheartedly in the existence of God, that the Bible is the Word of God, and that Jesus was a real person and actually died and rose from the dead. Why? Wishing thinking? Blind faith? No. I have numerous legitimate, factual reasons why I believe in the Christian faith, and I outline several of them in my blog post Top 9 Reasons Why I Believe in Jesus Christ. In that article, I use several arguments from apologetics to make…

John Ankerberg – Favorite Pastors Series

This week’s entry in my Favorite Pastors Series is one on a man who hasn’t made much of an impact for the Kingdom of God from preaching weekly sermons from a pulpit, but instead, has done most of his work in front of a television camera and through the printed page. And through these mediums, John Ankerberg has been a tremendous influence on me and helped in solidifying my Christian beliefs and spiritual discernment. Who is he? Well, Dr. John…

Do We Really Love Others? Then Why Don’t We Evangelize More Often?

“Have you no wish for others to be saved? Then you’re not saved yourself, be sure of that!” – Charles Spurgeon I cannot stress enough how important it is to evangelize and build up disciples regularly. We, as Christians, have been entrusted with the Message of everlasting life through Jesus Christ. Billions of people will die and perish in an eternity in hell unless we as the Body of Christ tell others about Christ. It’s as simple as that, and…

Being A Good Testimony

When we tell people our testimony, we want to be an example of how to go through life while still maintaining a heart for Christ. That doesn’t mean we will be perfect, but it means we can be like David, a “man after God’s own heart” (1 Samuel 13:14) despite his sins. Our testimony encourages believers to hold on to the faith and non-believers to an example of being a good Christian living in sinful flesh. It was Naomi who…

The Filter

All ideas that you believe and follow must begin and end with Jesus and the Bible.” In today’s information overload world, you’re never at a loss for people giving you advice, sharing memes that echo their thoughts, giving their two cents, and wanting to offer their take on why things happen and what you should do about them. For instance, if you open yourself to social media even the smallest bit, you’ll get a relentless avalanche of viewpoints from voices…

The Importance of the Resurrection

Although millions of Christians pile into churches this time every year – and this year, many will watch services via YouTube, Facebook video, or Zoom chats – a large segment of them probably don’t even realize the significance of Easter. Perhaps they know of the Cross and the Resurrection of Jesus but have never really given it more than a fleeting thought or two in their minds. Maybe that describes you in your thoughts on the events of Passion Week.…

Swing For the Fences

Well-known Christian author and apologist Lee Strobel once talked about a man he once knew named Bill McMillen. Bill was a successful financial consultant who never had a degree in theology and never worked on staff at a church. But Bill was radically saved by Jesus and used every opportunity he had to talk to others about his Savior. He went all-out every chance he got; Bill would go the proverbial “above and beyond” in all of his interactions with…

In Evangelism, Tell a Story

I feel that one of the biggest hindrances in spreading the Gospel is that we often don’t know how to break the ice with people. It’s almost like how it was back in your dating days (of course, some of you are still in that dating phase!) when you wanted with all of your might to approach the beautiful girl and acquire her phone number, only to fearfully hold back because you’re too afraid of saying the wrong thing and…

Using Questions With Evangelism

You may think that having an inventory of “salvation verses” memorized such as those that comprise the famous “Romans Road,” along with a gutsy attitude, to be your main tactic in spreading the Gospel to the unreached. That is excellent, but I also think that asking questions during evangelism is one of the most powerful and effective approaches you can take. You may not initially think of our Lord Jesus Christ being an evangelist, but He was. Luke 4:43 reads,”But…

Anti-Christian Meme-Busting: The Exodus

Memes are stupid. Memes are dangerous. As fun and often humorous as these passed-around images on the internet can sometimes be, memes are one of the multitude of things that are causing society to become more divisive and decay faster into an unrecognizable mass of dung. Why? Well, for starters, hardly anybody fact-checks memes, pics, or screenshots of comments or tweets that are shared around social media quicker than the flu at an elementary school assembly (they truly are “viral”).…

How Much Should We Revere God’s Word, and Should Bible Pages Be Marked Up?

  When I was a teenager, I was taught by my mom to revere the Bible. It was good that she instilled in me a healthy respect for Holy Scripture, as it is indeed the inspired Word of God. Here is 2 Timothy 3:16-17, which I often quote: “All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be competent, equipped for every good…

Top 9 Reasons Why I Believe in God and in Jesus Christ

I believe not only in God, in Christianity, and in the Person of Jesus Christ, but I believe that Christianity is actually true, logical, and provable. There is substantial proof that God exists, that He created a complex universe, that He entered space/time in the Person of Jesus Christ, and that the Bible is 100% true. Although there are well over 20 different arguments that show evidence that God exists, here are my Top 9 reasons why I believe in…

How to Argue Your Faith Online, Part Two

Here is the follow-up article to an earlier post, How to Argue Your Faith Online, Part One. Before proceeding, I urge you to read that post in full to get a more well-rounded understanding before continuing on with these. Go ahead. I’ll wait. Are you back? Excellent! This time out I’ll introduce several more concepts, many of which tackle how you write and how you speak. Let’s get to it immediately… 6. Study Up On Christian Apologetics You do know…

How to Argue Your Faith Online, Part One

Don’t let your defense of Christianity turn into this! “But sanctify Christ as Lord in your hearts, always being ready to make a defense to everyone who asks you to give an account for the hope that is in you, yet with gentleness and reverence.” – 1 Peter 3:15 Spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ is our mandate as Christ followers (Matthew 28:19). In doing so, we inevitably will encounter people countering our beliefs in many different forms – other…