Posts from 2018

Posts from 2018


In Evangelism, Tell a Story

I feel that one of the biggest hindrances in spreading the Gospel is that we often don’t know how to break the ice with people. It’s almost like how it was back in your dating days (of course, some of you are still in that dating phase!) when you wanted with all of your might to approach the beautiful girl and acquire her phone number, only to fearfully hold back because you’re too afraid of saying the wrong thing and…

Using Questions With Evangelism

You may think that having an inventory of “salvation verses” memorized such as those that comprise the famous “Romans Road,” along with a gutsy attitude, to be your main tactic in spreading the Gospel to the unreached. That is excellent, but I also think that asking questions during evangelism is one of the most powerful and effective approaches you can take. You may not initially think of our Lord Jesus Christ being an evangelist, but He was. Luke 4:43 reads,”But…

Embrace Your Struggles

Have you ever been in the midst of the most depressing, exhausting, unrelenting season of your life, and it never seems to end? Did you ever go through death, joblessness, sickness, financial difficulties, divorce, heartache, or several other issues that can change the course of your life? Well, who hasn’t? If you find yourself in that situation, I advise you to think differently…Don’t give up, brothers and sisters. Keep pressing on. Why? Because the tough times teach us about life.…

10 Things That Block Prayer From Being Answered

Without prayer, our life in Christ is nothing. The Apostle Paul instructs us, “…but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God” (Philippians 4:6b). Prayer is simply communicating with God, most often by verbally speaking out requests and petitions, giving Him thanksgiving and worship, and coming to Him with confession of sin. We should pray often; and in fact, more than that: “pray without ceasing,” according to 1 Thessalonians 5:17. Are there times when…

How My Wife and I Pray and Study the Bible Together

One of the most imperative things you can do with your spouse (this could also apply to a long-term boyfriend/girlfriend or fiancée/fiancé) is spending regular, quality “God time” with him or her. Doing so will strengthen and deepen your faith, and draw you closer to each other as you draw nearer to God. What does this entail, you might ask? It can include a certain amount of Bible reading, discussion and reflection, and praying together. I’ve decided to “peel back the…

Don’t Water Down Your Christianity – Go All-In For Christ!

“Being a Christian isn’t for sissies. It takes a real man to live for God – a lot more man than to live for the devil, you know?” – Johnny Cash From seeker churches and wishy-washy, vague “half messages” to showing “tolerance” to sins in the guise of “love” and slowly integrating worldly philosophies, Biblical Christianity is under the threat of the plague of lukewarmness. Let’s admit it: all the riches and conveniences of modern life have spoiled us. We…

Guess What? Prayer and the Christian Life Isn’t Always About You

Regular, constant prayer is an absolutely essential and indispensable part of the Christian life (1 Thessalonians 5:17, Philippians 4:6). Without it, a follower of Jesus will rapidly grow cold and stagnant and have no continuously, deepening relationship with God. Unfortunately, even with a daily habit of prayer, we sometimes only focus on a laundry list on items that we want God to do for us. Yes, we can pray for people who are mostly in our personal circles. But you have…

What the “Sin Excusers” Always Ignore About Jesus

As Christians, we are truly blessed beyond comprehension that God the Father has made a way for us to be forgiven of all of our wrongdoings, thereby allowing us to come into His holy presence because of the death and resurrection of His Son, Jesus Christ.  Romans 3:23 declares, “for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God,” and that means that me, you, and everyone else on the face of the planet have sinned. Yep, you heard that right…EVERYONE…

You Must Unlearn What You Have Learned

Don’t drag your pre-existing philosophies and politics into Christianity. For as long as I can remember, I’ve been a conservative, politically speaking. Okay, technically, that’s not 100% true. There was a large portion of my childhood where I was clearly apolitical. It wasn’t really until my early teens that I knew I was a mild-to-moderate fan of President Ronald Reagan. The period from the rest of my teenage years through all of my twenties is when I really developed politically.…

Dream Personal Training

Can you imagine having personal training sessions with one of the world’s leading authorities? Let’s say you were a teenage swimmer, with lofty goals to one day become an Olympic contender. You have genetics, talent, and pure drive, yet…you need something more to rocket you ahead of the competition. What if by the best fortune you’ve ever been given, you were able to pull in the services of none other than Michael Phelps – who by many measurements is the…

Anti-Christian Meme-Busting: The Exodus

Memes are stupid. Memes are dangerous. As fun and often humorous as these passed-around images on the internet can sometimes be, memes are one of the multitude of things that are causing society to become more divisive and decay faster into an unrecognizable mass of dung. Why? Well, for starters, hardly anybody fact-checks memes, pics, or screenshots of comments or tweets that are shared around social media quicker than the flu at an elementary school assembly (they truly are “viral”).…

1 John – The “This Is” Letter

John the Apostle’s First Epistle is a highly fertile and, in my opinion, a very underutilized letter in the New Testament. You can read it verse-by-verse and plumb its spiritual depths for weeks, with bold statements and profound teachings on lightness and darkness, sin, love, and what it means to be in the Son of God, Jesus Christ. Upon digging through 1 John, it’s easy to pick up on John’s writing style in his Spirit-inspired work; John employs dozens of…