Posts from May 2017

Posts from May 2017

Wrestling with God

One of the Best Things You’ll Read All Week: Wrestling with God

I typically wouldn’t put up a direct “repost” of other blog articles, but here is something that I found today that is extremely powerful. Dena Johnson penned a great piece for titled, “How Wrestling with God Will Change You Forever.” People, this Biblical message will open your eyes and transform you like few things have! It’s based on the wrestling match that Jacob had in Genesis 32. Instead of me summarizing it, I just implore you to just visit the link right now…

Want to Be a True Rebel? Be a Christian

You want to REALLY be rebellious and non-conformist? Don’t look to getting thirty tattoos, piercings, and dying your hair five colors. Everybody is doing that nowadays. Become a follower of Jesus Christ instead. I’m not knocking tattoos or anything else, but being a Christian is totally “against the grain” of what is currently accepted and conventional in Western society. The Father of “Shock Rock,” Alice Cooper (whose real name is Vincent Furnier), once said, “sex, drugs and rock ‘n’ roll…

Top 9 Reasons Why I Believe in God and in Jesus Christ

I believe not only in God, in Christianity, and in the Person of Jesus Christ, but I believe that Christianity is actually true, logical, and provable. There is substantial proof that God exists, that He created a complex universe, that He entered space/time in the Person of Jesus Christ, and that the Bible is 100% true. Although there are well over 20 different arguments that show evidence that God exists, here are my Top 9 reasons why I believe in…

Where’s the Joy?

Christians should be the most joyful people on Earth. Millions of Christians all across the nation and around the world have claimed to washed by the blood of Jesus Christ and born again by the Spirit, yet they are robotically plodding along living humdrum middle-class lives and just “don’t have it.” There’s no infectious enthusiasm and no heart overflowing. There’s a lack of something there that non-believers can see in us. These believers, instead, are just like the world. When we…

Book Review – Driven By Eternity by John Bevere

I’m doing a review for the audiobook version of Driven by Eternity from John Bevere’s Driven by Eternity: Making Your Life Count Today & Forever  is not for the spiritually squeamish. Yet it contains a message that has eternal consequences for everyone. Too many people think it’s okay to recite the “Sinner’s Prayer,” ask Jesus to come into their hearts, and then go back to living their old lives without even thinking about developing a relationship with God through Jesus Christ. Yes,…