Next on my rundown of my Favorite Pastors of All Time is Pastor Justin Peters. I love the work God is doing through Peters in that he is a bulldog of an itinerant preacher and speaker who does heavy work exposing false doctrine in the church.
Justin Peters was born on August 27, 1973, in Vicksburg, Mississippi. Peters was diagnosed with cerebral palsy at the age of one, as he was growing up, he encountered numerous physical challenges such as not having the usage of his legs. Despite this, he persevered with determination and embraced his faith from a young age. His experiences with disability have deeply influenced his ministry and perspective on God’s divine sovereignty.
Pastor Peters pursued his education, obtaining Master of Divinity (2002) and Master of Theology (2002) degrees from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Fort Worth, Texas. Throughout his studies, he delved into reformed theology and developed a strong foundation in biblical teachings.
Peters has also produced educational resources on his Justin Peters Ministries website and a vast wealth of online content on his YouTube Channel, addressing theological errors and providing solid, scriptural foundations for believers. His commitment to equipping others to discern truth from error reflects his genuine concern for the spiritual well-being of fellow believers.
At an evangelism conference close to Los Angeles, California, back in 2009, Justin met his future wife, Kathy, and got married the next year. For the period spanning 2014 to 2019, they made their home in Sandpoint, Idaho, and actively participated as members of Kootenai Community Church. Presently, they call Bozeman, Montana, home and are members of Grace Bible Church.
When it comes to him having cerebral palsy, he’s never used his condition as a manipulation tool for garnering attention or sympathy. In fact, one may forget about it while watching one of his presentations, even if he’s sitting in a chair or wheelchair at the pulpit. He’s even gone to the other end of the spectrum and showcases his having the disease as a way to glorify God and show faith healers that God does not want everyone to be healed.
Why Justin Peters?

If you are a born-again Christian who is hungry for growth in the knowledge of God’s Word and want to stay away from deceptive doctrines, then you may find Pastor Justin Peters’ teachings to be an excellent supplement to that growth.
One of the key aspects of Justin Peters’ ministry is his critique of the prosperity gospel, which he argues distorts the true message of the Bible and preys on vulnerable individuals seeking health and wealth. Through his presentations and materials, he educates Christians about the dangers of false teachings and encourages them to ground their faith in the truth of Scripture.
Peters is also a cessationist, and believes that signs, wonders, and speaking in tongues ceased in the apostolic age. He is an expert modern church historian and has shown that usage of the “sign” gifts of the Spirit has only sprung back up less than 125 years ago by numerous false teachers in the charismatic movement.
What sets Peters apart is his engaging speaking style and his ability to communicate complex theological concepts in a down-to-earth manner. His emphasis on the importance of discernment and the authority of God’s Word has resonated with many seeking a deeper understanding of their faith while wanting to avoid bad teachings polluting Christian circles.
Find Out More
Justin Peters YouTube Channel –
Justin Peters Ministries –
Esther Johnson
Justin Peters is constantly reporting hate and venom about innocent pentecostal people? How can you recommend him when he’s full of hate and anger towards other christians who don’t believe like him?
Leonard M. Williams
You sound like a progressive, LGBTQ+ supporting person who automatically calls something as “hate” when someone exposes them as unbiblical.
Jami H Talamonti
Amen Leonard Williams…Amen. Justin Peters is AWESOME btw and most people who want to believe in only parts of the Bible that support their beliefs usually don’t like Justin Peters because he doesn’t distort ANY part of biblical teachings and can back up everything he says with quotes or facts from the biblihe constantly says I DO NOT HATE YOU .. KENNETH COPELAND. .. JOEL O STEEN… ETC … I hate what you stand for. Right on and thank you it’s so nice for hear someone stand up for truth in Christianity and believe in truly being a Christian who is not ashamed of God or their beliefs because they don’t believe that God is or will ever be ok with ANYTHING TO DO WITH LGBTQRSTLMNOP…. POLITICALLY CORRECTNESS. YAY JUSTIN PETERS YAY Leonard M. Williams YAY Scott Roberts YAY JESUS CHRIST!